Thursday, April 14, 2011

Questions Abound

Ellie is in this phase where she is constantly, I really mean constantly, asking questions. If I had a dollar for each question she asked this week alone I bet I would have a few hundred dollars...easily!Here are her favorites: Where are you mommy/daddy? What doing? What's this called? Where is _______? She usually goes through a list in her head of favorite people such as family and friends. This afternoon when she woke up from her nap I heard her over the monitor asking "Where are you, mommy?" Where are you? It was so cute I had to go in there immediately. It's crazy how that little girl has us wrapped around her little finger sometimes.

A Little Girl in Her Big Bed

This past Sunday night Ellie spent her very first night in her new room sleeping in her big girl bed, and she did great! She only got up once around 5:30 am but thankfully went right back down pretty quickly. We are so thankful that this transition has gone so well so far!