Monday, August 4, 2008

Sick of the Nausea!

Yes, I know I have been trying my best to keep my complaining to a minimum, but please just grant me this one entry! I am currently frustrated and feel like I just need to get it out and I'll feel better. I think I have hit the proverbial "wall" because I had a great weekend in that I was hardly nauseous at all. I guess I got my hopes up that things were beginning to ease up so then this afternoon/evening when it hit again the frustration multiplied! Okay, here it goes... I am tired that the mere thought of the dreaded topic "dinner" makes me gag! I'm tired of fearing my trips to the grocery store because the sight of most of the food there makes me sick to my stomach! These days I go in, get my staples, usually Triscuits, apples, cheese, granola bars, apple juice, & cereal, and get out as fast as possible. I'm tired of being attacked by the various smells that come at me when I quickly open the refrigerator. I have been praying that I feel better next week when we are at the beach with Brad's family. I just want to feel like a normal human being again, and soon!

1 comment:

Windot said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! It looks great!