Thankfully, our first few days home have been better than we had anticipated they might be. So many times this week Brad and I have looked at her in amazement, wondering why the Lord has blessed us with such a sweet girl. Brad's parents came down last Wednesday and have been such a huge help to us this week. They helped make the transition home so much easier by taking care of the grocery shopping, preparing meals, cleaning, and just providing moral support and encouragement. We are so thankful for them! They left this afternoon and tonight is our first night just the 3 of us. It is so different (in a good way) having a baby in the house now, but we love it!

Ellie has spent much of the week just like far she is a sleepy head!
I love to watch her while she is so peaceful and content.
What a sweet girl!

Here she is Saturday afternoon shortly after coming home. This is one of the few outfits that actually fit her. We had to go out and by some more newborn clothes because all of her 0-3 month clothes are still too big.

Here she is in her car seat for the first time.
She slept the entire way home which was great because it was time for her to eat.

Here we are shortly after bringing Ellie home on Saturday.
We were all so glad to finally be in a more comfortable setting.

Here she is being burped last night. Brad and I have finally realized the trick to getting her to stay more awake while eating...strip her down! Nursing has been going well so far and we pray it will continue to get better. Our pediatrician
recommended that we supplement a little bit our last night in the hospital because she had lost 10% of her body weight but it doesn't seem to have messed her up too bad. My milk came in this weekend and on Monday she had gained 2 more ounces so we feel good about her progress. I have enjoyed these sweet times bonding with my little girl.
She's SO beautiful!!! I can't wait to meet her. I'm thankful things are going well.
Brooks she is so precious! Love those pictures and so glad things are going well.
Ellie is just so beautiful! It was so good to see Brad at church today...he looked so rested! I can't wait to see you and meet Ellie...I am so glad you are doing so well!
She's adorable!
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