Thursday, June 18, 2009

Four Months Old

Weight: 12.8 pounds
Height: 23 1/2 inches

Ellie is four months old today! She is a "small fry" as I like to call her and is in the 25-30% for height and weight. Her head, however, is another story it's in the 80% up from 50% at her 2 month check up. She is eating every 3-4 hours and sleeping around 12 hours at night with one feeding around 10 pm. It is our goal to see if she can cut this feeding out in the next few weeks. This has been a big month for her filled with many firsts. This month Ellie put her feet in the ocean, saw the mountains, and floated around in the lake. She is now good at holding onto toys and getting them into her mouth. She can roll from stomach to back and is working on rolling from her back to stomach (she can't quite figure out what to do with her arm yet). She is also beginning to scoot around on her belly a little bit. We have had another fun month watching our baby girl grow!

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