Ellie is getting to be sucn a big girl! I feel like literally over the last few days Ellie has started doing a lot of new things. Here are a few right off the top of my head...
- She is sitting up supported now and is getting better at it by the day.
- It is so fun to be able to see her preferences for certain toys (a small Care Bear and certain teether) now when we are playing together.
- After a week or so of practice Ellie is actually swallowing her rice cereal instead of spitting it out. I also went ahead and gave her a sippy cup to start practicing with.
- She is constantly trying to grab EVERYTHING in her sight.
- She has begun to reach out for us some with her little arms...it melts my heart every time!
I took Ellie in today and she now weighs 13.2 pds. By my measurement she's over 24 inches as well. We are having fun enjoying this sweet time as a family. What a precious blessing we have in our little girl!
She is adorable and getting so big! Her dimples just kill me! I noticed her NC State bib :)
It is so much fun to read your blog and see how fast Ellie is growing in and learning! She's such a cutie!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that first picture. Holy cow she is SOOO cute!
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