Lately we have begun expanding Ellie's diet with more finger foods. She is doing pretty well, although she definitely still prefers her baby food most of the time. So far some of her favorites have been plain toast, Ritz Crackers & Goldfish (the graham cracker kind). She loves bananas, but hates the slimy texture so most often than not I end up putting it in the mesh feeder for her to finish off. The other day for lunch I gave her tiny pieces of a chicken tender and cooked carrots. She gummed the soft chicken, but wouldn't swallow it...I guess she's used to eating things that mostly dissolve in her mouth. It seems like it will take a little while before she gets used to swallowing things like that. Monday night we made pumpkin pancakes and I gave Ellie some on Tuesday morning. She ate the whole thing up (it was small)!
I will say that this has been and will continue to be a somewhat scary process for me. I have worked with many infants just learning how to eat and swallow finger foods, but it is so different when it's your own child! I will be thankful when this transition is over and I won't have to watch her so much.
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