- She is pulling up with a lot more confidence now and starting to cruise along the couch.
- She is waving now unprompted when I tell her we're going bye-bye and when she is glad to see something or someone (she waved when she saw the school bus in our neighborhood today!)
- One of her favorite activities is looking out the window in her room.
- She is feeding herself finger foods more than baby food these days and she loves it.
- She continues to love watching us do just about anything...cook, wash dishes, you name it, she's just so observant and takes everything in so intently.
- We got a push toy down from the attic about a week ago but she's not a big fan yet. She does however like to walk holding on to our hands.
- She loves to play with paper. The other day she played with some coupons contently for a good 20 minutes.
We are really looking forward to celebrating Christmas this year with our sweet girl. It's so hard to believe that this time last year we were anxiously preparing for her arrival and now we'll be celebrating her first birthday in a few short months!
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