She is eating all table foods now and loving it! Her only dislike so far has been green beans. She spits them out every single time. I have begun weaning her down to 3 nursings a day now and have begun introducing a little cows milk in the afternoons. So far she doesn't seem to mind it, which is good. I never thought that I would be one of those sad moms who didn't want to stop nursing her baby at 12 months, but I am! I love those sweet times with her and will miss them so much.
As far as sleeping goes she is still taking 2 naps, but her morning one is not very long these days. The most I can get out of her is 45 minutes, but she falls asleep most days without a fight so I know she still needs this sleep. Afternoon naps are around an hour most days. Because she isn't sleeping much during the day she has been going to bed right at 7 lately, which has been nice for Brad and I.
Plans are well under way for Ellie's first birthday party. I can't believe how quickly it has come!
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