Sunday, September 12, 2010


Ellie is doing so many fun/funny things lately that I wanted to record them so I won't forget.

1. She is fascinated with our cars and wanting to "drive" them. This usually consists of turning on the windshield wipers or "washers" as she says and making the windows go up and down a few times.

2. She absolutely loves lawn mowers, especially when they are off. If there is anyone nearby mowing the grass she immediately hears it and says "mow mow." She has always loved to watch Brad mow the grass and is now helping daddy push it (while off, of course). Today I'm pretty sure she asked for Brad to mow the grass by saying "mow mow...gass...da da."

3. The girl loves all things Mr. Potato Head! Yesterday at the consignment sale I bought her this whole container of body parts (until now she only had the original parts) and that is all she has wanted to play with all day.

4. If you ask Ellie what her name is she says "Eyyie Su" we have to prompt her for the "Emey." She also says "yeg" instead of leg! I took a video of this that I'll try to post this week.

5. She is giving the best little hugs ever, squeezing your neck with a few pats on the shoulder.

6. The poor girl has had so many mosquito bites this summer that after bath time she always asks for her "Ceme" (anti-itch cream).

7. She loves the "sa sa" (salamanders) that live around our house. Every time we go outside she wants to look for them. Brad has taught her to be quiet while looking so she follows up "sa sa" with a "shh." Then when we can't find them she says "all gone."

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