It's so hard to believe that my "baby" is two and a half now. Ellie continues to be such a good natured little girl and is such a joy to us. She is such a big helper around the house and loves to "fold" clothes, unload the dishwasher, sweep the floors, and many other chores. She seems to be enjoying her new role as a big sister and can often be found smothering Lucy with hugs and kisses. Some of her favorite things these days include; her favorite TV shows, Curious George and Word World, swinging in her new swing in our backyard, playing dress up, and singing/dancing.
I always thought Ellie would be potty trained by this age, but it isn't going as I had hoped it would. She can do it, meaning she tells us when she is in the act, and she has even had success a few times. The problem is that she has no desire to use the potty right now. So, for now we'll continue to buy diapers and wait for her to get the motivation to do it herself.
It's hard to believe that in a few weeks Ellie will start preschool at the YMCA. I think she will really like it and am looking forward to hearing about all the fun things she will learn!
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