Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

One Month Old

Wow...this past month has flown by and on the 16th Miss Lucy turned a month old! She is a good baby with a sweet temperament and we are enjoying getting to see her little personality come out more and more each day.

She is a great eater and has been consistently going a 5 hour stretch followed by a 4 hour stretch each night now for the last week. She is finally becoming more and more awake during the day now and we are hoping that our little night owl (she doesn't go to sleep for the night until around 11) will soon start going down earlier and earlier at bedtime. Lucy is such a loud little sleeper that we have already moved her to the crib in her room so we can get some better sleep ourselves.

Lucy loves for us to walk with her, especially during her fussy time at night. She also loves to be patted on her back and bottom. She is holding her little head up pretty good already and has started standing on her feet when we put her up over our shoulder. I am pretty sure she has even smiled intentionally at us a few times in the last few days.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ellie's First Haircut

Yesterday we took Ellie to Snip-its for her very first haircut. She looks like such a big girl now and we are so proud of her for being so cooperative!


AfterEllie is growing up more and more each day and we are so proud of the little girl that she is becoming! I think this haircut for me is such a visible reminder of just how big she is getting. Even though I love watching her change, it makes me sad at the same time to see my "baby" growing up! We are so thankful that the Lord has chosen us to be her parents and we can't wait to see what He has in store for her!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The last few weeks...

have been much of a blur, due to sleep deprivation, but we are so thankful for such a sweet reason to be so tired! Lucy is a great eater and is growing like a little weed. At her 2 week appt. on Tuesday she weighed in at 8pds 14 oz ( a whole 13 oz over her birth weight :) )! Here, Brad caught her in the middle of a spontaneous smile.

Lucy has spent most of the first 3 weeks of her life doing this...
thankfully, nights are getting somewhat better already with her going one 4 hour stretch pretty consistently now.

Ellie LOVES her little sister so much that we are constantly telling her to leave Lucy alone so she can eat, sleep, etc.!

Here she is "feeding" her baby doll

and carrying another one in her baby Moby wrap.

All in all I think we are all adjusting to the "new normal" around the house pretty well. Of course Brad is still at home part time so I've been able to ease into juggling both girls by myself during the day. The real test is still yet to come!