Friday, September 16, 2011

3 Months Old

I love this little girl more and more with each passing day!   We thought Ellie was a happy baby, but so far Lucy is even happier.  She is such a joy!  Just today Ellie was jumping on her bed and Lucy was laughing as hard and loud as she possibly could at her big sister.  It was the cutest thing EVER! My heart swells to see my two sweet girls laughing together.  Lucy is getting so big, so quickly, but I am doing my best to enjoy every single day of her as a baby. 

For the last 3 weeks she has finally started going to bed earlier (between 7 & 8).  She is still not sleeping through the night, but I know that will happen with time.  I really can't complain because (unlike her big sis) she is a GREAT napper.  She typically takes a 2 hr morning nap, a 3 hr afternoon nap, and a cat nap or two!  She still hasn't found her thumb, although she is sucking her fist when she tries to go to sleep now.  Lucy loves the fan, her activity mat, and being in the Baby Bjorn carrier.  I am so lucky to be this little girl's mama and I can't wait to see her little personality come out more and more. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Best Job Ever

3:30 am:  Feed Lucy & go back to sleep
7:30 am:  Feed Lucy & start the day
8:00 am:  Run to the grocery store to pick up a few things while Brad & Ellie eat breakfast
8:30 am:  Eat breakfast, put a load of laundry in, Lucy goes down for a nap
9:00 am:  Get Ellie's snack ready for school, say goodbye to Brad & Ellie, odds and ends around
                 the house, quiet time
10:00 am: Lucy time :)  play together
10:30 am: Feed Lucy
11:00 am: Take Lucy on a walk
11:45 am: Get back home just in time to go pick Ellie up from preschool
12:30 pm: Make lunch, eat, & clean up
1:00 pm: Feed Lucy & put down for nap
1:30 pm: Read books w/ Ellie before her nap
1:45 pm: Cook dinner for us & a friend from church, clean dishes
2:45 pm: Sit down for a few minutes  
3:00 pm: Ellie up from nap, go outside to eat snack & play
4:00 pm: Wake Lucy up & feed her
4:30 pm: Fold laundry
5:15 pm: Deliver dinner
5:45 pm: Get home & wait outside for Brad to come home
6:00 pm: Brad gets home, heat up dinner, eat dinner
6:45 pm: Feed Lucy, put jammies on, put laundry away, put Lucy to bed.
7:20 pm: Say prayers w/ Ellie & Brad, take a much needed shower while Brad puts Ellie to bed
8:00 pm: Sit down to check email,watch TV, eat a bowl of ice cream, and rest!
10:30 pm: Get Lucy up just to feed her one more time before going to bed.

Whew!  I am so thankful that I get to spend my days taking care of my family.  My days may be full, but they are full of good things...thank you, Lord!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Little Chatterbox

We thought Ellie was a happy baby, and don't get me wrong, she was.  Lucy, however, takes happy baby to another level.  Here she is talking up a storm to me.  I told Brad #3 is out of the question now.  The odds that we wold have 3 happy babies are pretty slim!

1st Day of Preschool

Yesterday afternoon I sent Brad the following text, "I've been thinking about it this afternoon and maybe we should wait until Ellie turns 3 before sending her to preschool...I'm having a hard time. I don't think I'm ready to let her go."  Of course I would be feeling this way, after all, for the past two and a half years we have spent most of our waking hours together.  She's my little buddy, my shadow, my sweet girl, and I want to spend as much time with her as she will let me. 

Now, don't get me wrong, Ellie is our extrovert, she loves being around people, she LOVES to talk, and she adapts pretty well to most new environments.  She is going to love school, the kids, the activity, the fun.  And she is going to learn so much.  Also, this will give Lucy and I some much needed one on one time together a few mornings a week, which I am really looking forward to!

So this morning as we pulled into the parking lot a few tears did start to flow, but I sucked it up and into class she went, excited to show off her new book bag and to meet her new friends. She was just there for an hour today, just to meet her teachers and get acclimated to the classroom.  When we left she said "That was fun, Mom."  On Friday she will go all morning for the first time and you better believe that I will be the first one in the carpool line for pick-up, ready to hear all about the fun she had. 

Funny Girl

I found this joke on her yogurt container yesterday and Ellie thinks it is so funny.  She is constantly asking me to "tell it again, Mommy."