Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sick Thanksgiving Weekend

I know you wouldn't believe it by this picture, but these girls (and their daddy) were sick with colds this Thanksgiving.  Ellie started showing signs on Wednesday, and Brad and Lucy were sick by Friday.  Thankfully I have been spared thus far; although I am bracing for it to come my way at any moment.  Despite the sickness we still were able to enjoy a nice Thanksgiving day lunch with the Bartholomews in Raleigh.  I went out around 7:30 on Black Friday to Target to pick up a few deals, and it was actually a pleasant experience.  On Friday afternoon we picked out our Christmas tree and Ellie helped me decorate it on Saturday morning. 

After Lucy's first sickness Brad told me one night that "Lucy can not get sick, ever again."  If only we could prevent that!  Needless to say Lucy isn't the best patient, and she is a very high maintenance sick girl. One night we were up with her 6 -7 times...it was rough.  We love our little Lucy, but she is definitely is a little spitfire.  Thankfully, it could have been a lot worse, and although she isn't 100% well, last night was more of a normal nights sleep for her (which still isn't the best, but we'll take what we can get.)  Ellie, the trooper that she is, has a bad cough, but only complained once this whole time.  Thankfully the girls are on the mend now, and if Brad can get rid of his cough maybe we will all be sleeping better again soon. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

5 Months Old

Her new favorite sleep position

Yep, that's right...she's already 5 months old today!  People say that time goes by even faster the more kids you have, and apparently they are right.  This little girl is changing by the minute; and I am so glad I get to see everything.  The past few weeks she has started reaching out for me and now gets excited when we come to get her after naps (melt my heart).  She studies everything very intently...especially Ellie.  She is starting to sit up a little better each day now and she is grabbing everything...I mean everything!

Thankfully, after a rough transition, Lucy is finally sleeping well in any position and can roll as she pleases.  She is still not sleeping through the night, but we are working on it.  Believe me, no one wants this girl to sleep through the night more than I do!  We tried a month ago, but it wasn't pretty.  After 5 nights of less and less sleep we decided to give her another month and try again.  The last few nights I have fed her around 11 and refused to get her until 7.  An 8 hour stretch is very reasonable for her now, and even though she has woken up around 4-5, is going back to sleep on her own until 7-8. 

I tried rice cereal with her today for the first time and she was unimpressed.  I don't blame her...that stuff is yucky.  I am in no hurry this time around and would be just fine waiting until closer to 6 months before she really gets into eating solids more consistently. 

 We are loving this little girl and what she adds to our family.  I am thankful the Lord has chosen me to be her mama!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


It seems like these days everyone and their grandma is making a list of things they are thankful for.  It is fitting since it's the season of giving thanks, right?   Here's mine...

Things I'm thankful for:
  • Another sweet girl to celebrate the holidays with this year!
  • A smooth and successful VBAC with said sweet girl.
  • That Lucy's sleep issues are only temporary (at least they better be.)
  • A 2 year old that is finally using the potty!
  • Hugs and kisses from said 2 year old.
  • That Ellie's whininess is only temporary (at least it better be.)
  • The blessing of being a mommy, and being able to stay at home with our girls. 
  • Financial decisions we made early on in our marriage that allow us to live off of one income today.
  • My amazing husband who strives to be a servant leader in our marriage and who is always looking for ways to make my life easier. 
  • Brad's love and patience with me...and his ability to make me laugh!
  • Chocolate
  • Our super comfy bed
  • Our van
  • The Super Target just a few miles away
  • Our health
  • Our Church and the people there that are like family
  • The God who has so graciously given me all of these things and so much more.  His love and mercies that never end...and for that I am beyond thankful!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


We are so glad that Ellie is finally using the potty!  It all started a few weeks ago when we told her the new box of diapers we bought her were special "sleep" diapers.  I bought little surprises for her and on Saturday morning we went to work.  Thankfully Ellie is doing a great job and after a few days started going unprompted!  We are so proud of our big girl and so thankful to not have two girls in diapers anymore. 

Halloween 2011

Our Halloween festivities started out this year with a "parade" and fall party at Ellie's preschool on Friday morning.  When we got there she decided she didn't want to put her costume on, but thankfully I was able to convince her otherwise.  I stayed after the parade and did a craft with the kids for their fall party.  It was fun to get a glimpse into what Ellie's class is like on a daily  basis. 

On Saturday afternoon Brad and Ellie carved our pumpkin.   Ellie really enjoyed helping dig out the pumpkin.

Little Doggie

Sweet Lady Bug

I missed seeing Ellie trick or treating this year because Lucy was beyond tired and needed to go to bed early.  She was so excited to go and Brad said she kept on saying "one more house, Daddy!"  At one point she was given the choice of candy or an apple, and she actually chose the apple.  Brad also said when given the opportunity to pick her own candy she always went for a little box of candy ( like Nerds) as opposed to the bigger candy bars.