Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our First Appointment

This Friday we had our first doctor appointment. I wasn't very nervous until we walked into the waiting room, and then it hit! Luckily, I had some paperwork to fill out so that kept me occupied until they called Brad and I back. Then after a few minutes of waiting in the ultrasound room the Dr. came in and we got to see the baby! Luckily we could see it immediately so there was no question he/she was in there. Then we saw this little "blinking" on the screen...the heartbeat! That was absolutely one of the most amazing things I have ever seen! To see that little heart beating inside of me makes the nausea not seem so bad after all.
It's funny because even though you can't see anything but a big blob from the ultrasound picture I have been showing it to everyone that we have told since Friday. My next appt. is in 3 weeks, right after we come back from Sullivan's Island. Hopefully, after that the nausea will begin to taper off and go away. That's my prayer anyway!

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