Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So, how big is she?

Today we went to the doctor for a normal check up and an ultrasound. Because of my Gestational Diabetes the doctors wanted another peek at her to make sure she isn't getting too big. Thankfully, she measured at just over 50 percent and they think she's about 6pds 1oz. So, assuming this is accurate and she gains about 1/2 a pound a week she will probably be around 8 pounds at birth. This means that they should not have to induce me unless she doesn't come by her due date March 1st! This is an answer to prayer for sure. The doctor also examined me and said that I am a whole 1/2 centimeter dialated and about 50% thinned out. Lastly, Ellie is head down in my pelvis so everything looks good. We thank the Lord that everything is right on track!


Courtney said...

That's all great news Brooks! It won't be long!!

Jen Huffman said...

Yeah! So happy that everything is progressing well. Can't wait to meet her!

Jana said...

Wonderful Brooks! So happy everything is coming along just great. I know you are so excited to meet Ellie.