Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend

We had a great Easter weekend with lots going on! Ellie's Aunt Leah came for a visit on Friday and stayed until Tuesday morning. It was great to have her here so that she and Ellie could spend some time together. Last time when Leah came Ellie was only 2 weeks old so she was a lot more alert and fun this time. This was also a great weekend because on Saturday night we finally met two new family members, Ben & Paige at the airport. Anna & Tim finally were able to come home with their two new little ones and it was such a joy to share in their new family!
On Sunday Ellie made her debut at church. Other than the fact that she didn't go to sleep until the service was almost over she did fairly well. There was just too much going on for our little curious girl to close her eyes! Brad is on set up team this month so by the time I got ready, got her ready and we got to church I was worn out. It was worth it and really good to be back into the swing of things.

Here is Ellie in her Easter Dress

Family Picture

Aunt Leah

On the way to church for the first time

1 comment:

Jen Huffman said...

I love her Easter dress. And is she wearing a bracelet? Too cute!