Monday, October 19, 2009

8 Months

It's hard to believe that Ellie turned 8 months old on Sunday. She continues to grow like a little weed and now weighs 16.5 pds (according to the scale at the fair). This month she has learned so much and we are having fun playing together as Ellie becomes more mobile. We are in full baby-proofing mode now as Ellie has just started scooting over the past few days as well. This month Ellie also started eating puffs and wagon wheels and she is loving feeding herself. She is still nursing 4 times a day, although she would rather be playing. One thing I love is how she has learned to turn the pages when we read sweet! Ellie is also talking pretty constantly now. Her favorite sounds to make are blah, blah, blah. I keep on encouraging Ma, Ma, but nothing yet! She is such a fun little girl and so full of energy. We are loving every second of being her parents!
Here she is looking sporty in the Puma outfit that her Aunt Leah gave her.
One of Ellie's favorite activities is pulling all her socks out of the bin.
Here she is practicing her crawling...we're in trouble now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

she's just crawling!? eh...guess i shouldn't have gotten her that wii fit for christmas ;-)