Friday, November 13, 2009

Long Week

Whew! It's been a long week. Ellie has been sick with her first full blown cold this week and it has been tiring! Wednesday was the worst, she couldn't breathe out of her nose at all and couldn't suck her thumb so she just didn't nap ALL DAY! We took her to the doctor and luckily her ears looked clear. Nights have been rough as a result also and I am praying that she will go back to sleeping well now that she can breathe again. Oh yeah, and I'm the only one she wants to comfort her...with Brad she usually just screams louder. I must admit it's a little sweet, but not so much at 12:00 am. On top of that she's not nursing well either and I am thinking it may be time to wean to formula. Part of it has been the cold but she started having issues before she got sick. The problem is she doesn't like least she won't take it from me. Ugh! Luckily today is Friday and Ellie's grandparents are coming for a visit this weekend so I should get a little break. Ellie is feeling better and I realize that if a bad week means less sleep, a stuffy baby, and nursing issues than we truly are richly blessed.

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