Wednesday, January 20, 2010

11 Months

So, I started this post a few days after Ellie turned 11 months old and now it's 2 weeks later. Just in these last few weeks she has started doing so many new things it's hard to rewind back to 2 weeks ago in my head. One thing to celebrate is that her top 2 front teeth FINALLY came in this past Saturday. We were beginning to think it would never happen. Her comprehension of what we are saying has taken off as well lately. It's so neat to watch her respond according to what we say or do now.
She is eating all table foods now and loving it! Her only dislike so far has been green beans. She spits them out every single time. I have begun weaning her down to 3 nursings a day now and have begun introducing a little cows milk in the afternoons. So far she doesn't seem to mind it, which is good. I never thought that I would be one of those sad moms who didn't want to stop nursing her baby at 12 months, but I am! I love those sweet times with her and will miss them so much.
As far as sleeping goes she is still taking 2 naps, but her morning one is not very long these days. The most I can get out of her is 45 minutes, but she falls asleep most days without a fight so I know she still needs this sleep. Afternoon naps are around an hour most days. Because she isn't sleeping much during the day she has been going to bed right at 7 lately, which has been nice for Brad and I.
Plans are well under way for Ellie's first birthday party. I can't believe how quickly it has come!

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