Thursday, March 10, 2011

24 Weeks down...

16ish to go! Although I am feeling great these days, I am not one of "those" people who loves being pregnant. Am I thankful to be pregnant? Absolutely! Do I enjoy everything about it? Not so much. Case in point, last week I had a cold, which involved some sneezing. Let's just say that sneezing and a pregnant lady with a full bladder don't mix too well! Thankfully I was at home the few times that it did happen and was able to take care of the issue quickly. Brad knew when this happened because he would hear a sneeze followed by a "oh man." It's just one of those things you have to laugh about!

On to more exciting news....the baby has a name and Lucy Kate Emory is it! Last time we tried to keep Ellie's name a secret until she was born. This time we just didn't feel like being hush hush about it! It has been fun referring to her by name and I think it has been helpful for Ellie as well.

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