Friday, September 16, 2011

3 Months Old

I love this little girl more and more with each passing day!   We thought Ellie was a happy baby, but so far Lucy is even happier.  She is such a joy!  Just today Ellie was jumping on her bed and Lucy was laughing as hard and loud as she possibly could at her big sister.  It was the cutest thing EVER! My heart swells to see my two sweet girls laughing together.  Lucy is getting so big, so quickly, but I am doing my best to enjoy every single day of her as a baby. 

For the last 3 weeks she has finally started going to bed earlier (between 7 & 8).  She is still not sleeping through the night, but I know that will happen with time.  I really can't complain because (unlike her big sis) she is a GREAT napper.  She typically takes a 2 hr morning nap, a 3 hr afternoon nap, and a cat nap or two!  She still hasn't found her thumb, although she is sucking her fist when she tries to go to sleep now.  Lucy loves the fan, her activity mat, and being in the Baby Bjorn carrier.  I am so lucky to be this little girl's mama and I can't wait to see her little personality come out more and more. 

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