Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fire Ants

One tough cookie!

Today Ellie and I were walking around outside in the yard and I decided to put her feet in the grass to see what she would do. She kind of kicked around a little bit and then as I was picking her up whimpered a little bit. I looked down and there were two fire ants on her little feet. I immediately wiped them off, hoping that I had caught them before they bit her. No such luck. I took her inside to wash off her feet and that's when I saw the damage those little boogers had done to my sweet baby's feet. There was one bite on her right ankle and 6 on the left foot. I immediately felt like a horrible mother, wanting to go back in time to erase the 20 seconds I put her feet in the grass. I went back outside to show Brad and came back in to call someone for advice. My friend Cheri was the first person I thought of. She reassured me and told me what to look out for in case of an allergic reaction. I began to cry, which lead to her crying (she's preggo so blame the hormones). I felt better. Thankfully, Ellie was acting totally fine like nothing had happened. Just to be on the safe side we decided to call our pediatrician for advice on how to treat her. The lady I talked to was really nice and told us what to look out for and suggested a few options if she seemed to be bothered by the bites. By the time I got off the phone they were already looking better and she was still completely unfazed by it all. Praise the Lord for His mercy in this situation. Tonight we could be dealing with an uncomfortable little girl, but as I type she is sleeping peacefully in her crib.

1 comment:

Windot said...

Ha, I love you girl! I love that sweet little girl too. It hurt me to hear about her little feet, and I know you as a mom was tore up! (And not just because you were crying on the phone!) It is evident that you love Ellie SO much, there is no doubt in my mind that you were upset because you care for her tremendously. You are a great mom.
I am glad you called me, even if I started crying too, ha! It hurt me to hear you so hurt for her. Ha, dumb hormones. Glad she was ok, she is a tough cookie.