Friday, September 18, 2009

7 Months

Lately Ellie has been growing like a little weed. She has mastered the art of sitting up and looks like such a big girl sitting on the floor playing with her toys. One of her favorite things to do these days is to throw her toys. Ellie is now working on pulling herself up into a standing position. She has done it a few times in her bathtub and on her changing table. It looks like we will be lowering her crib in the very near future just to be on the safe side. She has been on her hands and knees a little bit, but her little arms just aren't strong enough to support her weight for very long yet. I am not rushing the crawling stage so this is fine with me!
Ellie is still eating well and is loving her baby food. I have recently started giving her fruit puffs and she is getting good at putting them in her mouth. She is still nursing 4 times a day and eating 3 meals. She is napping twice a day 1-1 & 1/2 hours. Ellie has definitely began to show a preference for her mama, especially at bedtime. When I am not at home to put her down (every Tues. night for Bible study) she won't go down with out letting her daddy know she is not happy. Brad has tried everything, but usually has to resort to giving her a few ounces of breast milk to calm her down so she'll go to sleep. I am thankful for a sweet husband who in spite of this encourages me to go out for some "me time."

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