Monday, April 5, 2010

Sick Easter Weekend

Easter weekend was a rough one for our family this year. Brad came down with a nasty cold last week and took a sick day on Friday. Then at softball practice Saturday afternoon he took a nasty hit to his face/eye and ended up at the emergency room later than night. Thankfully it doesn't look like any bones were broken but he is going to an ENT on Wednesday just to make sure his hearing wasn't affected. Then Saturday night Ellie started getting sick. She woke up Sunday morning with a nasty cough and runny nose. By this time I wasn't feeling well either so we both stayed home from church to rest and keep our germs away from everyone else. Yesterday was pretty rough for Ellie but thankfully today she seems more herself. We all got a pretty good nights sleep and it seems like we are both on the mend! Here are a few pics we took on Sunday afternoon. We attempted to do an Easter Egg Hunt with Ellie but all she wanted to do was pull up the grass...maybe next year!
Blowing Kisses

1 comment:

Windot said...

SO stinkin' cute!!!!