Wednesday, December 21, 2011

6 Months

Happy Food Face

Weight:14.2 pds (15%)
Height: 25in (25%)

Lucy turned 6 months old while we were at Disney last week.  She did a great job being carted all over the place with little to no frustration.  This is largely due to her "go with the flow" temperment.  She even got really good at sleeping just about anywhere, if only for 30 minutes or so.  I finally started solids with her this week and she is doing great with it so far.  Although, I think for now her favorite part is chewing on her sippy cup. 

As far as sleep goes things are getting better.  Her naps are more consistent during the day now, and we are STILL working on nighttime sleep.  I know, I'm a little embarassed to admit that she is not sleeping through the night consistently yet.  I would have not let this happen with Ellie, but since she slept like a dream it never was an an issue. It's partly my fault combined with her persistence (and loudness) at night. I fall into the thinking of it's just easier to feed her and go back to sleep, as opposed to hearing her cry for what could be an hour or so.   It seems like we get to a good place and then something always messes it up, like she starts rolling over, or she gets sick. She will take a pacifier now (at least when she wants to). Oh well, we'll get her straightened out eventually. 

In other news she is starting to sit up pretty well now on her own and is scooting/rolling around to get what she wants now.  It is so fun to see her and Ellie interacting more and more each day.  Lucy absolutely ADORES Ellie.  I love it! 

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