Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our Little Fish

 A few weeks ago Ellie started taking swim lessons at the Y.  She has done a really great job, despite being hesitant of being in the 'big pool" for the first time.  Basically the first lesson consisted of Ellie hanging onto her teachers for dear life, and them trying everything to get her to let go.  Since then she has really warmed up to her teachers Ms. Ashely and Ms. Dawn, and is having more and more fun with each lesson!

 I think one of the joys of being a parent comes in watching your child gain new skills, and the confidence that results from it.  The look on Ellie's face when she realizes she can do something new is so precious!  I am so thankful I get to witness that giant smile and enthusiasm.  I also love how she looks at me to make sure that I am watching her. 

Here are a few pictures from her first class...

and a video from today...look at her go!

I am so thankful that Brad works at the Y, and that our girls will have great opportunities to participate in so many more fun things as a result!  We already have Ellie signed up for more swim lessons later in the summer. 

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