Wednesday, March 18, 2009

One Month Old

This was one of my many attempts to get a one month picture of Ellie today. None of them turned out like I wanted them to but we will try again tomorrow. She was obviously done and furious by this point!

It's hard to believe that today Ellie is one month old! What a crazy, but great month it has been. Brad and I were looking at pictures last night from when she was born and it's amazing how much she has changed in 3 weeks time. We often find ourselves laughing at her various expressions and reactions to things and are loving getting to know our little girl. Ellie is getting stronger each day and is good at holding her head up for longer amounts of time as well as pushing up on her legs. She will "play" on her tummy for a few minutes without fussing. She seems to like her okay but we try to limit her time in it. We have tried to put her in it to buy a few minutes at dinner time without one of us having to holding her. She is eating well and sleeping well at night and has gone a 6 hour stretch a few times in the middle of the night.

Our main struggle right now is getting her to sleep. She fights it so badly at times and gets herself so worked up that it takes a while for us to calm her down so she will relax enough to fall asleep. I just got the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" today and I am hopeful that it will help us address this issue so we can set Ellie up for success in this area. I have found that I am more of a "sucker" than I had hoped I would be, and am having a hard time laying her down in her crib and letting her cry for a few minutes to give her the opportunity to begin learning how to self soothe. I am confident that we will get these kinks worked out soon and all will be well!

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