Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another Checkup

Today we went for our monthly checkup and everything went smoothly. We are so thankful to our Lord for a healthy pregnancy so far. Our appointment was one of the first ones of the day and we were only in there for around 15 was great! Now that she is moving so much the thought of not finding her heartbeat doesn't even enter my mind, and that is so nice. Last night she was kicking a lot after dinner and Brad finally got to feel his daughter's little kicks. It was great to see the look on his face. I was even able to see my belly vibrating after her kicks!

One thing that I have decided after getting on the scale today at the doctor's office (we don't even own one because I think it's too easy to become obsessed about your weight) is that I am going to get back into the habit of exercising most days and using a little self control when it comes to food. I know I am picking a horrible time of the year to get back on track with all the temptations of the holidays, but I feel like it's what I need to do. The doctor said my weight gain was fine, but I don't want to get in the habit of indulging so much that it's hard to go back to eating more healthily after the baby comes. So self control and exercise, those are my two goals. Don't worry, I'm not going on a "diet"...that is so not my style. I believe in everything in moderation, it's just that since I started feeling better after the first trimester it has been so nice to actually enjoy food again, which has made it hard to say no. In my mind after 9 weeks of nausea I felt like I deserved it! However, now it's back to reality...

1 comment:

Jen Huffman said...

It was great seeing you yesterday. You look great and I loved seeing your adorable baby bump! You look perfect!