Tuesday, May 12, 2009

3 Months

I can't believe my baby is 3 months old tomorrow! All of a sudden clothes that used to swallow her are fitting her perfectly and that makes me a little sad. This month has been filled with lots of new and exciting things for our "little squirt" as daddy calls her.

Here are a few of the fun things she is doing these days:

1. She is giggling now when I tickle her under her chin.
2. She loves it when someone tries to "eat" her feet.
3. She smiles really big when I kiss her all over her cheeks.
4. She coos, laughs, and smiles at herself in the mirror.
5. She is doing much better with tummy time these days and will play there for a while.
6. She will hold a few toys in her hand.
7. She holds her head up constantly and will stand up really well on her legs.
8. She actually looks at the pages of books when we read to her now.
9. She has this firefly toy that makes cute sounds and lights up that she absolutely loves. Every time it makes noise she smiles and coos back at it. (I'm going to have to get it on video and post it because it's something I never want to forget)
10. She will sit in her bouncy seat and play for about 20 minutes or so while I cook dinner.
11. She's finally found her thumb and is gaining more control of her "crazy arms" each day. I am hoping that this will make the difference in helping her nap better during the day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love hearing how she is changing and growing! It's fun to see pictures and hear stories while we are gone.