Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Loving the Swaddleme

Just a few weeks ago we were introduced to a brilliant thing...the Swaddleme blanket from Kiddopotamus! Until then we had still been swaddling Ellie in receiving blankets that she was quickly outgrowing. It was a constant battle keeping her arms inside the blanket, but not now. With the Swaddleme we can get it tight enough and then velcro those crazy arms down so our little peanut can sleep without them bothering her.

Ellie is not a big fan of going to sleep. She doesn't want to miss a thing so when we first put her in it she protests most of the time. However...

Literally, within seconds she was out like a light.

I know what you're looks like a baby straight jacket, but it makes her feel safe and secure. Somehow the little booger manages to get her arms out most of the time anyways so she's not totally immobile.

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